Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Point of Focus

Welcome to the last day of November. Next thing you know it will be Christmas!
Well, I did mention that I would be talking about some things that are important to me on this site so it is time to do so. This is probably the most important thing to me as it effects all other things in life. It is really just a different way to look at the same thing said in many different ways. Since it is different it takes a little explaining.
As anyone who thinks about it knows there are far too many things in this world for someone to see them all. From places to people, from things to situations, even sitting in one place you can not see everything. Some things are right in front of you and are easy to see. Some things are in front of you but not directly and require a change of focus to see. Other things are behind you and cannot be seen without turning around.
Even if you are looking at something you will not see everything about it. Looking at someone, you cannot see everything about them. It really depends on what you set your focus on. Our choice of focus is what determines what we see.
I have met people who always focus on the negative aspects of the world and the people in it. These people are not usually fun to be around. I have also met people who strive to look at the positive things in the world and in people. These people are a lot more fun to be with. They can both look at the same person or object, but see completely different things.
Since there are way too many things to see we actually make our own world by choosing what we focus on. To some the world is full of wonder and excitement, but to others it is full of pain and disappointment. It all depends on what you focus on.
You can even turn your back on some things, situations, or people. I believe this is one meaning of the saying, "Get thee behind me, Satan." Putting something behind you is to completely put it out of your world. This works well in many situation.
So I now strive to focus on the positive things in life, the positive aspects of anything, anyone, or any situation. It has made me a lot happier and I think a lot more fun to be around. Of course it is a work in progress and I do not always succeed, but like everyone else I am a work in progress.
I hope this means something to someone else and helps make your world a little bit better.

Savor Life

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